
Resource extraction in mining, quarrying or earth moving
Extraction of raw materials
- From an economical standpoint, it is essential for machinery used in the extraction of raw materials such as ores, lignite or potash be maintained in good operating condition.
- Wear forces encountered during the extraction process causes extreme degradation of buckets, teeth, blades and transporting equipment, chutes etc. Long downtimes for machinery repairs can cause incalculable costs.
- Corodur´s specially developed products are able to minimize this wear and reduce downtime.
- Understanding the effects of variable soil and rock compositions requires special geological and metallurgical skills. Our experts can analyze wear situations and recommend the right products from our wide range of flux-cored wires.
- Different types of crushers are employed to process mined rock depending on geological properties.
- Tremendous crushing and abrading forces act constantly upon the machinery and combined with frictional heat, the standing time of the crushing jaws, hammers etc. is greatly reduced.
- Corodur´s specially developed impact and abrasion resisting hard surfacing materials ensure longer life.
- Construction and earthmoving equipment must provide high uptime usage and dependability on a daily basis.
- All surfaces that come into contact with hard rock minerals are subject to high abrasion. Corodur has developed tried and tested wear surfacing solutions for these machines to minimize downtime and maintain project profitability.
Our sales department can advise you
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